About Us

Choice Apparel & Design Co. is based in 'The Mitten' locally known as Howell, MI. Choice Apparel & Design Co. started in 2022 by founder & CEO, Kami Seburg, with a hope & dream to make a positive impact in the recovery community.


"Do what you love, and you'll never have to work another day in your life" ~Confucius

My name is Kami Seburg. I'm a recovering alcoholic. As of December 5th, 2023 I have ONE YEAR of 'conditional' sobriety (I'll explain what that is later on). I finally have peace in my heart and I look forward to my lifelong journey without substances. Let me say that again; I'm excited for life as a SOBER person (something I never thought I'd be able to say and actually mean)!

I'm also a mother, wife, daughter, friend and much more. I have a background of 12 years in finance and accounting. I've worked in many different industries from medical to construction management. I have a self-proclaimed Ph.D. in resourcefulness (yes, I made that up, but it should exist).

When I'm not creating awesome designs in my studio; I'm building forts in the living room, dancing and singing to 'Let It Go', playing dress up, painting little toenails, watching football, crafting and supporting other business owners' mission and goals.

I hope you find something here that makes your world a little brighter today.

My 'WHY'

December 2022 'My world was crumbling around me. I was on the verge of losing everything I loved. In that moment, I felt like all hope was lost. I had just totaled our family SUV and was facing my 3rd DUI. I was fired from my job. There were cops showing up to save me from myself, I was in and out of the hospital and CPS was knocking on our door. I finally admitted that I needed help and that was the day my whole world changed.'

Sanford Behavorial Health saved my life. I spent the next 30 days to begin healing and start my lifelong journey of 'conditional' recovery. Conditional for the simple fact that as long as I continued to 'choose' recovery; I would
stay sober. 

Getting sober, was like all systems coming back online, for me. I tapped into my creative side, and I made a decision to start living my life doing the things I loved while making a difference in the world. To help people like me get the help they WANT while doing something that brings joy to my life.

Behind the Name

Today I CHOOSE to recover and each day I will keep choosing to face my fears. Throughout my experience in active addiction, I never felt like I had a choice. My addiction came first. The day I got help was the first day, of many days to come, that I felt the power to 'choose'.

Spreading Hope

My mission is to spread hope by making it possible for others struggling with addiction to get the help they need, if they WANT it.

10% of all proceeds will go to the 'Phoenix House' foundation in an effort to make treatment accessible to all.

Choice Apparel & Design Co. is honored to support those that want to seek treatment for their addiction.

Phoenix House